Welcome to StateSpending.Nebraska.gov
The State Treasurer is responsible for the receipting and disbursing of all state funds, which includes recording these transactions and informing the Legislature through a yearly report on the state's financial picture. The Treasurer believes that public officials have a duty to show the public how their tax dollars are being spent.StateSpending.Nebraska.gov is a searchable, user-friendly website that discloses in a simple and straightforward manner how the State of Nebraska spends and receives funds. StateSpending.Nebraska.gov has been recognized as one of the most comprehensive transparency websites in the country. The interactive site is designed to allow you to select an item and drill down for further spending information or definitions of services provided by the agency.
This website is a reflection of our commitment to providing Nebraska taxpayers with a constructive public service. We truly value your opinion, so we would like to encourage you to email us with your questions, comments or suggestions on how we can improve the content and quality of this website.
- To see how State money is spent, visit the Current Fiscal Year Budget tab.
- To see from where the State received money, visit the Source of State Funds tab.
- To search State payments by payee, payer, amount, budget source or other search types, visit Fiscal Year Expenditures.
- To see a list of terms and definitions of terms, visit the Glossary tab, which can also be found at the bottom of each page.
If we are to be truly successful in bringing more transparency to state government, it will have to be a collective effort. We encourage you to contact us with your thoughts and ideas as to how we can improve this site and make Nebraska the most efficient state government in the country! Click on this link to read the statute creating the state transparency site - http://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=84-602.02